darra crosby Rensing
2019 works
erased drawings 2011
erased drawings 2009
chalkboard drawings 2009
repeat patterns
chalkboard drawings 2007/08
elm terrace- chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 36x48"-2008
mezzie's house- chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 24x24"-2008
29 elm terrace- chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 24x24"-2007-SOLD
15 7th ave.
- chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard- 24x24"-2007-SOLD
16 green knoll c
t.- chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 36x48"- 2008
untitled (pool table)-chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 12x12"-2007
untitled (floors)- chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 12x12"-2007
untitled (1950-1999)-chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 12x12"-2007
untitled (1985-2002)- chalk and acrylic paint on chalkboard, 12x12"-2007